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Lots of events and commemorations in the Sikh community for the First World War Centenary.
Running club Sikhs in the City has organised the relay race to mark the centenary of the First World War as message of 'co-operation and harmony'.
Clare Balding featured the 'Empire, Faith & War' exhibition on the Good Morning Sunday program on BBC Radio 2 with UKPHA chair Amandeep Madra.
Lord and Lady Singh of Wimbledon visited our exhibition and thoroughly enjoyed it.
BBC London's Sunny and Shay popped in yesterday evening at our Thursday late-night opening.
Artists Johanna Tagada and Jatinder Singh Durhailay visited us last night during a busy late Thursday night opening.
Maharaja Bhupinder Singh of Patiala photographed in 1918 in London in the uniform of an Honorary Major General.
Maharaja Bhupinder Singh of Patiala photographed in 1931 in London with members of his family.
This weekend we have the very great pleasure of hosting Squadron Leader Rana T.S. Chhina (Retd) who is speaking at our second symposium.
The Indian Express picks up the story of Sikh soldier in its review of 'Empire, Faith & War' exhibition.
Dr Santanu Das, an academic and author best known for his work on the literature of the First World War, visited us recently and was impressed.
On Sunday 10 August some of the foremost speakers on the Sikh experience during the First World War will be speaking in London.
We will be remembering Harnam Singh today as the UK commemorates the 100th anniversary of the date that war was declared.
Today, Col Sahota (retd) will be remembering four brothers from Village Jia Sahota in Hoshiarpur, Punjab, who all volunteered to go to war in the Indian Army during World War One.
ITN News will be covering the 'Empire, Faith & War' exhibition at 6pm tonight.
Davinder Dhillon, our good friend and the man who has been keeping alive the annual remembrance event at the Chattri Memorial in Patcham Downs, Brighton, visited our exhibition.
Harpreet Singh will be remembering his great-grandfather, Sepoy Kala Singh of the 45th Rattray Sikhs, today as the UK commemorates the 100th anniversary of the date that war was declared.
There were 400,000 Muslims fighting in the British Empire Forces in WW1 - that's more than the number of Australians!
UKPHA chair Amandeep Madra on BBC London's Breakfast Programme with Nikki Bedi and Paul Ross.